Just Super 4 – How the Gentleman Gets His Mask Back

Just Super is a series of vignettes about super-people reimagined as yet another wave of gentrification in the big city, co-created by me and artist ZEES. This fourth episode was illustrated by Ben Rosen, and originally published on the now defunct Trip City, an online arts magazine.


After the villains, come the artists. After the artists, come the bars. Then the coffee shops and boutique stores. Once the boutique stores arrive, here come the heroes! Capes and cowls are just another wave of gentrification here in Zap City, jewel of the Meta East Coast. Think you’ve got problems? My landlord was bitten by something radioactive on the subway, and has since gained the proportional strength and stench of a rat! Just super.


Le Girl2


[“Le Girl” character design by ZEES.]



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SH3: Human Hunter

I see a similarly named (and great looking) book running a successful Kickstarter, so I thought I’d share this short story I published in 2012 that spun out of the planned ending for the Americans UK comic book series (that we never finished–one day, perhaps). SH3 tells the story of a super-android lady who is responsible for the near extinction of humans, and is trying to round up and save the remaining survivors, in an attempt to redeem herself. It was imagined as sort of a reverse Magnus, Robot Fighter. Written by Jeffrey Burandt, illustrated and colored by Paul Ciaravino, logo designed and lettered by Jeff Powell, “SH3: Human Hunter,” was first published on the now-defunct, online magazine, Trip City on August 1, 2012.


SH3 is an android who navigates a hellish dystopia of her own making, attempting to rebuild a world that she helped destroy, and save humanity from the brink of extinction.

Making More Comics and Stuff

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